Big Living Things

Earlier this year, my daughter Kate walked the Bibbulmun Track, a 1000-kilometre walking track stretching through the forest from Kalamunda, an eastern suburb of Perth, to Albany on the south coast of Western Australia. It took her 63 days. She wrote about her experience in this month’s issue of the “Bobby Dazzler Newsletter”. If you’d like a free email subscription to the six-issues-a-year newsletter – which is mainly about the Australian Outback – just email me at Mention Kate, and I’ll make sure you get a copy of the issue about Kate’s adventure.

big tree

The “Bibb” as the track is called takes you through some of the mighty forest lands of south-west Western Australia, home of the jarrah and karri trees, among the world’s tallest trees.

The picture above shows Kate and a burnt out karri tree. Karris (eucalyptus diversicolor) can grow to over 90 metres (300 feet). The jarrah (eucalyptus marginata) manages only about 45 metres (147 feet), but its timber is regarded as one of the best general purpose hardwoods in the world. The figure of the man standing beside the jarrah tree gives you an idea of its height. It is claimed that jarrah wood contains a high level of alcohol – which can somehow be extracted. Australian bush poet Dryblower Murphy wrote a poem called “Comeanavajarrah”.

jarrah tree 2

Construction of the railway line from Port Augusta to the north (which began in 1878) used some one and a half million karri and jarrah sleepers from Western Australia. Some of them can still be seen beside the long abandoned line.

About dazzlerplus

Writing about the things that interest me helps me to discover what I think. One of my loves is the Australian Outback, and I travel out there often, and when possible take friends with me.
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5 Responses to Big Living Things

  1. Anne Newton says:

    Wow! Well done Kate! That’s a big walk.
    Can’t wait to read about it in the Newsletter.

  2. Lula S says:

    Hello Rob,

    Just reading about Kate and her walk! Wow! Don’t suppose she might be somewhat of her father’s daughter!! Do give her my warmest greetings…

    Am looking around for the July BD Newsletter – can’t see that I’ve received it. Can only find June…It’s probably sitting on some server somewhere!

    I’m sure your young ones are all growing apace this year. And keeping you busy! Hope you, Judy, and families, are all well,

    Love Lula

    Ps: this year have been working on – re Ross’ books. Thankfully it’s up and running! will try to find time to search out other writings to add…


    • dazzlerplus says:

      Good to hear from you, Lula. I was a bit premature in talking about “this month’s issue” of the Newsletter. It’s labelled “August”, and will be sent out at the end of this week.
      When you refer to my “young ones” rate of growth, I assume you mean grandchildren (yes, rapid!), since my own youngest is soon to turn 40! (which makes me a deal older than I care to admit).

  3. Anne Newton says:

    Hi Rob, I’ve just read the Newsletter and despite Kate saying she is “ordinary”, I think she is amazing! Today my friend and I were talking about being unhappy in a situation and the advice she gave to her kids was; deciding to stay in a situation you don’t like IS making a decision! We all can choose to “do” or “not do”. Kate decided to “do” and I salute her because many never take a risk or make a decision (and follow through)
    Loved her short story. Sorry about the blisters.

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